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Biological Sciences

Availability: Gulf Park and Hattiesburg Options

Why Study Biology?

生物学是研究生命、生物体、生物之间相互作用的科学 生物体,以及生物体与其环境之间的相互作用. Biology 一个广泛的领域是否有许多应用和潜在的工作机会,包括 诸如医学、野生动物管理、生物技术、遗传学、行为学、 conservation, paleontology, and population dynamics. Students in this program are 提供灵活性,专注于生物学的某些领域,即微生物学,生物医学 sciences, environmental biology, or biology teaching.

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600Majors and 60 Graduate Students
5Degree Options
1Study Abroad Opportunity

What Will I Learn?

生物学课程建立在有机生物学,遗传学和细胞的基础 生物学、生理学、生态学以及化学、物理学和统计学. Students 然后灵活地选择适合具体情况的课程 career goals. 实验室、实地考察和实习训练学生的实践能力 技能,写作和口语能力,以及批判性思维更有竞争力 在就业市场和准备他们的专业学校或研究生学习.

学院为医学预科学生提供斯蒂芬·哈顿医学预科实习 以及为牙科预科学生提供类似的牙科预科实习. Advisors can also help students find other internship opportunities.

在生物学的几乎每个领域都有研究的机会 Honors and non-Honors undergraduates. In addition to faculty-funded research, the 密西西比IDeA生物医学研究卓越网络(INBRE)和USM的Drapeau 中心为本科生科研资助多项科研项目和暑期活动.

该学院为生物学专业的学生提供了数十项奖学金,其中一些是专门为学生量身定制的 for different emphases (e.g., pre-medical, pre-dental, microbiology), hometowns, or year of study.

Tropical Ecology in Belize - 2 weeks, January Intersession

该计划将包括在1月份的休会期间在实地进行两周 在伯利兹,你将在几个不同的生态系统中研究热带动植物: coral reefs, pine savannahs, rainforests, and mangrove swamps. You will interact with 致力于中美洲动植物保护的组织 locals who practice subsistence farming. Students will earn 3 hours of BSC 404LCA or BSC 504LCA.

British Studies Program - 4 weeks, Summer

参加本生物地理学课程的学生将获得6学时的gy 499ca or GHY 599ca while truly getting to know the city of London. They will leave this 留学经历,不再是一个旅游者,而是作为一个有经验的旅行者而懂得 并欣赏创造这一切的丰富的人类历史和环境演变 wonderfully complex city. At its most simplistic though, London is just a river town, 课程材料将从最后一个冰河时代末期开始,也就是泰晤士河形成的时候 冲破了奇尔特恩山,开始沿着现在的路径流动. We will 然后看看几个世纪以来不断变化的生物地理和人类定居模式 一直延续到现在的发展. Along 在路上,我们会遇到战争、疾病、火灾,以及自然和自然的故事 human resilience that make London the global city it is today. Students will achieve 通过对历史地图的分析,以及一系列的徒步游览和了解 field excursions. 然后,在课程的最后一周,我们将前往爱丁堡, Scotland. 学生们将比较和对比英国北部的景观 前往英格兰南部,亲眼目睹人类与环境的巨大差异 histories that shaped the cities of Edinburgh and London.

International Internship Program - 7 weeks, Summer

通过在都柏林的实习获得专业经验,并获得BSC 492ca的6个学分! Travel with a group of USM students to Ireland this summer.  You’ll learn about Dublin and the Irish work culture during the first week.  Then, for the next six weeks, you’ll 每周花32个小时在你感兴趣的领域工作. 

Student Testimonial, Internship 2023

“出国实习无疑是我做过的最好的决定之一. As a biological 在理工科专业,我得到了爱尔兰心脏基金会的实习机会,在那里我培养了 lifelong relationships with dedicated healthcare coordinators.  Not only did I make 和我一起工作的人建立了私人关系,但我能够体验到一种 side of healthcare that I hadn't been exposed to before.  I realized how much work 真正投入到病人出院后的护理中,我有了新的认识 for organizations like theirs.  I believe having a deeper understanding of the various 病人护理的形式将帮助我更好地治疗我未来的病人,作为 a Physician Assistant.  If I were given the chance to do it all again, I wouldn't hesitate in saying yes!" - Madison Trahan


Biology Faculty

我们的生物学教师使用各种各样的生物体、鳞片、 and techniques. 我们的教师研究病毒、细菌、真菌、植物和动物, 工作在分子和生物化学水平到生态系统水平,并使用技术 从分子生物学和生物信息学到实地研究和实验室 manipulations. 生物医学和生物科学的主要研究设施 biology and ecology are available.

For questions regarding General Biology, Ecology & Organismal Biology, contact Dr. Mac Alford at Mac.AlfordFREEMississippi or visit JST 308.

有关生物医学科学或微生物学方面的问题,请联系Dr. Dmitri Mavrodi at Dmitri.MavrodiFREEMississippi or visit JST 1013.

Professional Licensure Disclosure

The Biological Science, (Licensure) B.S. program at the University of Southern Mississippi 是为了满足密西西比州教育部制定的执照标准而设计的吗.  九游会国际不能确定一个特定的许可证是否 该计划符合密西西比州以外的执照要求. Students 在其他州寻求许可证,建议联系相应的许可证 委员会在该国确定互惠准则的具体要求. For a list of the state departments of education, see the U.S. Department of Education website - State Contacts page.

有关许可证计划的问题,请联系Allison Downing Allison.DowningFREEMississippi



Contact Us

School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences

Bobby Chain Technology Center (TEC), Rm 103
118 College Dr., Box 5018
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

Campus Map



  • Medicine, Dentistry, and Biomedical Research
  • High School and College Teaching
  • Conservation and Ecology
  • Biotechnology and Laboratory Management
  • Food or Environmental Biology
  • Wetland Delineation and Restoration
  • Dr. Kacy Redd, 2001
    STEM教育政策助理副总裁,公众协会 & Land Grant Universities
  • Dr. Joshua R. Ennen, 2009
    Aquatic Conservation Biologist, Tennessee Aquarium
  • Dr. Aimée K. Thomas, 2010
    生物学助理教授,教师资格认证办公室助理主任, Loyola University
  • Matthew Reudelhuber, 2006
    Environmental Protection Specialist, U.S. Coast Guard
  • Dr. Amanda Perkins, 2005
    Veterinarian, Cat Hospital of Metairie
  • Dr. Emily L. Burke, 2000
    Otolaryngologist, Greater New Orleans Ear Nose Throat Doctors